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Jul 17, 2023

Kyle from The FOOP is BACK BABY! Today he's here to discuss growing at scale during the extreme summer heat, cloning tips, and lots of veggie talk. Kyle talks to us about dealing with extreme heat in our cannabis gardens, and how to change your watering schedule to keep your plants cool in the intense sun. This leads to a conversation about temperature above and below ground, and how your container's material will influence things like dryback.  Then Kyle shares his top veggies to grow during the hot hot summer months, and also discusses indoor growing of a variety of plants. Kyle wraps the show by sharing his TOP TIPS for getting PERFECT CLONES, from adding biology early and often, to selecting the right cloning setup and materials- Kyle breaks down how he produces thousands and thousands of healthy, organic clones.

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FOOP has RAISED code GROWCAST to 20% OFF! This month only, show FOOP our support as they continue to champion organic fertilization in cananbis! Nutrients, clone gel, mist and more- find it at and use code GROWCAST!

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