Jun 12, 2023
Rhizo Rich is BACK to discuss some of the more RARE and LIMITED GrowCast Seed Co Strains (some of which just left the vault)... Rich talks about how far his breeding work has come, from giving away thousands of seeds for free, to becoming a full time breeder with demand for his amazing work. This leads to a little history lesson about Rhizo Rich, what he was involved in before becoming a breeder, and how he got the Rhino monicker. Rich and Jordan dive deep into some rare GC strain reviews including the super rare and frosty covered Magma Monster, the prolific and funky Moon Monster, and the resurging and massively yielding Earth Monster. Rich teases his upcoming pollination where he is about to lock down his final male, and hit it to a variety of his most impressive female stock...
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Seed Co (Vaulted Packs are up!)
Code growcast15 now works with grow KITS from AC Infinity! www.acinfinity.com use promo code growcast15 for 10% off the BEST grow fans in the game, plus tents, pots, scissors, LED lights, and now GROW KITS!