Jul 22, 2024
Today's episode is audio from a Members Only QnA Stream we
do for GrowCast Members every other weekend! We sit down for
GCTV once a week, and a QnA every other week- to make SURE that
GrowCast Members get ALL their grow questions answered, and get ALL
the help they need! Today's QnA covers things like end of harvest
flush, and determining when your plant is senescing versus when
your plant is just hungry in late flower. We also talk to a home
grower who is working with small pots and using bottled nutrients-
this leads to a conversation about runoff and how critical it is to
understand runoff whether you're running bottled nutrients or soil.
We cover a whole host of other Member Questions and give some
updates to our members as well- if you want to catch EVERY
QnA and EVERY GCTV check out GrowCast Membership today!!!
GrowCast Membership
Weekly Live Streams - Personal Garden Advice- 100s of
the greatest community in cannabis!
Seed Co VAULTED PACKS ARE UP! Members get $20 off PER
Code growcast15 now works with grow KITS from AC Infinity! www.acinfinity.com use promo code growcast15 for 10% off the BEST grow fans in the game, plus tents, pots, scissors, LED lights, and now REFILLABLE FILTERS!