May 29, 2023
NEW YORK THIS SATURDAY! Grab your tickets NOW and I'll see you
soon NYC... IPM Masterclass, pest fest, and afterparty :D
First time guest Mark from GreenGro is on the program for an
amazing deep dive into biochar, soil microbiology, and what
comprises a thriving rhizosphere. Mark shares the idea of mimicking
Terra Preta- the rich black earth that is found in the Amazonian
Rainforest. This leads to a discussion of how ancient indigenous
people's understood and utilized microbiology, and how the Amazon
itself could be the result of a permaculture garden. Mark discusses
why microbial diversity is so important, and how biochar plays such
a big role in the life of your soil. He does however caution adding
too much biochar, and talks about how he came up with the formula
for his GreenGro
Earthsine product (use code GROWCAST10). Mark and Jordan wrap
the show by talking about the similarities between the human
microbiome and the plant's rhizosphere, and how important it is to
look at our own health as intently as we look after our plants'
!FOOP BUY TWO GET ONE FREE! Only til Wednesday! Code growcast reactivates after Wednesday- GRAB ANY TWO PRODUCTS AT and RECEIVE ONE FREE!*
Code growcast15 now works with grow KITS from AC Infinity! use promo code growcast15 for 10% off the BEST grow fans in the game, plus tents, pots, scissors, LED lights, and now GROW KITS!